9 เม.ย. 2024 เวลา 03:28 • อาหาร

Thai Durian: The Ultimate Guide for Fruit Enthusiasts

If the mention of "Thai durian" conjures up thoughts of its potent aroma and custardy texture, you're in for a treat. This legendary fruit isn't just famous for its divisive scent and flavor but also for its cultural significance and global trade. Thai durian has a sacred place in Thai cuisine and is considered the "king of fruits" for a reason.
Thai Durian Season
Durian is a seasonal fruit and understanding its seasonality is vital for supply chain management and for consumers seeking to enjoy it at its best. The Thai durian season usually starts in March and can last until August, with a peak during May and June. This peak production window is when you can find the widest array of varieties to satisfy your durian cravings.