10 เม.ย. เวลา 08:40 • หนังสือ

Spiritual growth has become fashionable

Today I want to talk to you about the cult of spiritual growth. This topic is gaining momentum in society more and more. It has become fashionable to engage in spiritual growth. It has become fashionable to attend various seminars, trainings and webinars.
It has become fashionable to read books on esoteric topics and practice all kinds of exercises in life to increase your awareness, discover your superhuman capabilities and move your “assemblage point.” People are drowning more and more in illusions. People lie to themselves more and more every day.
And the most important thing is that they like to live in a lie and be charmed. And now I will try to justify my point of view. To do this, let's honestly answer the question - why do I engage in spiritual practices? and the answer in 99% of cases will come down to the fact that you want to reveal your superhuman abilities.
And now the next question, I think you’ve already guessed what it is, why do we want to discover superhuman abilities in ourselves?
You will now begin to tell me that this is the meaning of our incarnation, that the Soul came into this world to solve its problems and you are following the path of spiritual growth because you want to hear the voice of your Soul and know yourself. But this is all nonsense, when you tell me this, you give me all the authority to throw stones at you and I will do this only so that you admit to yourself that you are lying.
It’s okay that you’re lying to me, but first of all you’re lying to yourself, and that’s the worst thing. Because of this lie to yourself, you live in illusions.
I will give you my opinion on the topic of why you want to discover superhuman abilities in yourself. You may not agree with it, because it is not the most pleasant, but you can at least think about it and look inside yourself, try to see a response to my words.
So, I affirm the following and I came to this conclusion from my own experience, so I still will not blame you for anything, but will correctly turn the arrows on myself. I was engaged in spiritual practices and wanted to reveal superhuman abilities in myself, because I wanted to stand out in society, make my life easier and satisfy my pride.
As a child, I watched enough films about superheroes and also wanted to learn to see through walls, walk on water and see the future, and all in order to attract public attention to my person, gain national recognition and thereby ensure my entire life until my death.
I'm not pointing the finger at you, but I am saying that 99% of people engage in spiritual growth for the same reason. Because they want to make their life easier and materialize apartments, cars or just a suitcase of money. But you, yes you, who is now reading this article, you are not one of these people. They are all like that, but you are not like that, you are the remaining 1% of the hundred. Well, okay, let’s not talk about you anymore, otherwise you’ll be offended.
It’s better to continue reading my nonsense, because then I’ll tell you the second reason why people engage in self-knowledge.
The topic of spirituality and self-knowledge is a very convenient area to protect your personality from attacks from other individuals of earthly origin.
When people tell you that you have achieved nothing in life, that you live in illusions or that you are under the spell of your own consciousness, as I am telling you now, then you have a very good excuse in which you firmly believe and it sounds like this - Yes, you just don’t understand anything, you are cattle who drink, eat meat and live for material benefits.
But all this is not interesting to me, I am a Buddhist, I can live on one grain of rice and my financial condition does not matter to me, I will sit in the lotus position for days and try to move my assemblage point with the power of thought.
This man declares that he is more aware than the vast majority of people around him, because he has read so many books on the topic of the universe and visited a bunch of masters who taught him secret practices. But all this awareness led him to the fact that he found himself trapped in his consciousness.
He opens his chakras, shifts the assemblage point and cleanses the aura, but does not even understand the nature of these things. He does not understand what an assemblage point is, what its nature is and what consequences will follow from actions on its movement. He only knows that it can be moved horizontally and vertically, and that’s where the knowledge ends. And I tell you that it can also be moved diagonally, so you can start practicing this too.
Jokes aside, but you think exactly this way, which means you live exactly this way. You live without realizing what you are doing and do not see the consequences that you bring down on your head with your actions.
Now, regarding practices. You are all used to performing some complex body movements, you need to stand cleverly in the crane pose or move chaotically to psychedelic music, everything should be clever.
Only when everything is hard and unclear do you begin to believe that it actually works. You think that if only a few people have superhuman abilities, then much more work needs to be donesuccess in achieving them, and since this is a lot of work, it means that the exercises must be very abstruse, secret and difficult.
This is the thinking of a person, which has nothing to do with awareness at all. This is the thinking of a person who does not think, but only follows the instructions that he read in books or learned from another person at seminars.
But remember the words of the true “enlightened ones”, who claimed that you can practice when you wash the dishes, and when you plant potatoes, and simply while sitting at the computer.
Yes, this is a lot of work, but this does not mean that you need to sit for days in the lotus position or with your face down, trying to clear your base chakra. This means that our whole life is practice. And if you realize this and learn to see what life teaches you, then you can learn even from a pebble and practice every day, but to learn this, you need to go a long and difficult way. The path is for yourself.