1 พ.ค. 2024 เวลา 20:14 • ปรัชญา

Personal diary Free writing

"I had the opportunity to write a personal diary because I was stressed out, so I found a way to reduce stress, which is to meditate by writing in English as follows."
"The mind is the master, The body is the slave" After I meditated, I wondered what the mind was. And how is it different from consciousness? During the time I meditated, I tried to fine the answer myself. Using the principles of cause and effect that. I came up with myself, the mind is like our own emotions. And emotions can be separated into many other emotions.
When meditating until the mind is still, the result is that our emotions will also be calm.And how is it different from consciousness? Then it raised a question for me to think about. Mindfulness, according to my
Understanding, is awareness to control thoughts and action through the perceptual nervous system. I meditated in the present moment, with the future and the past occurring simultaneously, as if I were meditating through time.By being aware of things that are happening around me.
It makes me wonder again. 10 seconds of the future are about to pass by. Will anything happen? At the same time, Those 10 seconds that were in the past are passing or have already passed. That night, in the early evening, l felt angry, irritated unable to control myself, and damaged the phone until the screen broke,making it impossible to use the phone normally.
As a result, I had to spend money on repairs. Which probably means that I have to cause trouble for other as well, but that doesn't matter much. When everything has a problem, there is always a solution,
So I slowly solve the problem. Let's take the simple points. Because it was the time when I was in a bad mood.
So I meditated in order to calm my mind and emotions and stop blaming things around me. Practice meditation gradually, not in a hurry. And this might be a good omen for me to carry on with my life. For example, I plan to meditated everyday before writing, if possible I will try to come back to loving myself and respecting myself to be worth what I am waiting for. I believe that one day God will give me a great gift from the universe.
Thank you