18 พ.ค. 2024 เวลา 04:47 • หนังสือ

In the struggle between heart and mind, the heart wins.

Sooner or later, the mind, exhausted by fierce resistance, surrenders to the heart under the leadership of feelings.
Poor poor heart... If only it knew that its victory is its defeat. That the mind fought to keep it beating in a calm and measured rhythm, and with good intentions restrained its heart impulses. But in vain... He needs to go crazy, burn, be broken by the indifference and misunderstanding of someone whom the mind does not want to accept.
Because the mind has pride and self-respect, and the heart is guided by love. And as soon as he gives up his position a little, his heart immediately rushes to the barricades built by his mind with a victorious cry: “For love!” “This is bad,” the mind laughs.
“Life doesn’t teach you anything.” The mind laughs, and I cry. I'm crying because I'm a woman. A woman lives by feelings, and when a man forces her to live by reason, life turns into torment and torture... “Who are you trying to deceive, stupid,” my heart sank. “You don’t feel sorry for me, yourself, or him.” “Did he feel sorry for her?” - the mind flares up again...
In the struggle between heart and mind, the mind wins.
Sooner or later, the heart, tormented and exhausted by love, surrenders to the mind under the leadership of pride and self-esteem.
This is how this eternal struggle goes on, the struggle of mind and heart, a lifelong struggle...
P.s Never put your woman before the choice between heart and mind. What if it falls on the mind... Then the heart will lose, and with it you... And this defeat can become the most unforgivable in your life, your biggest mistake. Only by the laws of the genre will you understand this too late. It's too late for anything to change. So stop the fight. Let there be love. Lifelong love. Living with feelings...
Natalia Dolnikova