26 พ.ค. เวลา 17:12 • ท่องเที่ยว

Florence : Italy 🇮🇹

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    The most renowned is the eastern door which lead to the Duomo, the fully Renaissance masterpiece of Lorenzo Ghiberti, was made in the year 1425 - 1452 (the original door is preserved in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo). It’s said that Michelangelo exclaimed “it’s so beautiful that it would be perfect for the Gate of Paradise” when he saw the door.
However, not for this reason the door has this name, the fact was that in the Middle Ages, every year during the procession dedicated to Saint John, the converts came to be anointed in the Baptistery only through this door and then earned the paradise.
In addition to the splendid illustrated Bible, Ghiberti added 24 small bronze busts of famous Florentines including himself around the frame of the door.