11 มิ.ย. เวลา 20:07 • ท่องเที่ยว

Campanile di Giotto : Florence

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    Giotto’s Campanile is not connected to the Duomo, it is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, split into five levels. The exterior features polychrome marble decoration in brilliant white, red and green. The sculptures and decorated panels are a true masterpiece of Renaissance art, and considered to be the most beautiful campanile in Italy.
The tower was designed by the famous artist Giotto and the construction began in 1334, sadly Giotto died in 1337 when only the first level was completed. Then, Andrea Pisano carried Giotto’s design but he replaced the bas-reliefs planned for the second level with sixteen figures of the Kings and Sibyls and statues of the Patriarchs and Prophets, carved by Nanni di Banco and Donatello. Currently, the original of all these sculptures are preserved in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo.