Brain building is a huge charity. Every capset from the government down to the family must turn to this matter at the same time. Discovery of learning strategies That has been since 2 millennia "The science of brain building" that in this century, everyone should know and must know ✔️
Everyone can study and can be used. Just type the word 'science of brain building' in Google will find articles, research, lesson plans, teaching clips, various knowledge about the brain that can be done at any age.
Or articles according to Medium, Blockdit, Linkedin, Substack, Gumroad and Notion channels
Unfortunately, the education system still does not have access to these many useful things. And cannot be used in the education industry Some private sectors know these mechanical skills with the rules of training time. With research certification Scientific evidence, the new science revolution of exercise and brain, Oxford University, Harvard University, Interdisciplinary Medical Science, Brain System, Neurophysiology Psychology (INPP), etc.
Which today's education, the quality of education is lower than the world standard. As for health, it is lower than the world's health criteria. And new stories like PL (Physical Literacy), physical intelligence that is more than half of Europe Many countries and almost some Asia access and use Before coming to students along the edge of the provinces, it will be a long time ...
But here 👉 can access to create brain cells for learners. Is a future quality human capital for students who are consistent with the 3r8cs principle
Education is learning. Everyone knows how to study well. There must be a good brain. Therefore, before studying 2 brains, it is important to do 'first' 🧠
[ The Best Practice ]
1. Meditation can increase brain tissue at any age.
2. Activity, skill, mechanism, coordination of the eye and left-right hand (Juggling) can increase the brain at any age.
' Build your brain to 8 aspects of multiple intelligences to achieve achievement in every course '