13 ต.ค. 2024 เวลา 20:33 • ท่องเที่ยว
East Ham Nature Reserve

Green Gym Volunteers in London 25 September 2024

Cold and wet today, I went out with Frances, my landlord, to St Mary Magdalene East Ham. It is a very old church and is surrounded by a cemetery.
I volunteered to do gardening with her. It was great fun to remove the ivy that grew massively on the Oak tree, helping save the life of the tree.
We spent about an hour gardening and then in very British style we had a tea break, put the hot water on, lifted the chairs outside and chatted. It is important for people to gather together and talk during the tea time.
Unsurprisingly, after the tea time we decided to finish the gardening after half a day hahaha.
It might be weird for Thai people, as we were walking around a cemetery. I might have been stepping on a lot of dead bodies whilst I was trying to cut the ivy. I even hung my bag on one of the gravestones. I hope they were okay about this but anyway, they were long dead now, most from around WWI.
I even saw the graves of some people who lost their life on the Titanic or during the first world war. It was very interesting and most of them died so young.
In contrast to my surroundings, I enjoyed drinking the tea among the cemetery ground.
Here is the link of Green Gym https://www.tcv.org.uk/greengym/