12 พ.ย. 2024 เวลา 05:15 • ปรัชญา

Highlight EN | Dirty Pandita

When one closes the eyes, focuses the mind on the breath and follows the breath until the breath becomes the most important and the only object of the mind, then one will gradually realise that, regardless of the posture one assumes, consciousness arises and settles on the breath, mindfulness arises and concentrates here at the breath.
Dhamma talk from the Buddha
Date| November 19th, 2022
Highlight EN | Dirty Pandita
Please click to listen to the Dharma Talk
Topic | Monastic precepts, discipline and routine are our resources which must be utilised and practised to achieve calmness of the mind
Dhamma Talk from the Buddha’s Teaching
Dhamma Talk from the Buddha’s Teaching
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