Do you know that you are learning the most important knowledge in life, which is about stopping the mind and keeping it still? Stopping and being still is the most important task for everyone. When your mind stops and is still, it will take an accelerating journey within. Stopping and being still is the most important knowledge. Even the Bodhisattva sacrificed his wealth, organs, and life countless times to learn the most important knowledge about stopping and being still.
Stopping and being still is the knowledge that Mara fears. We can escape from the cycle of suffering by stopping and being still. To be happy and successful in life, one needs to stop the mind and keep it still. The Lord Buddha and Arahants became enlightened by stopping and being still. To fight Mara, you have to stop and be still.
Ignorance will vanish from the mind through stopping and being still. Knowledge is illuminated by stopping and being still. So, stopping and being still is the most important.