I choice beautiful pork shoulder by lard layer should equal pork meat layer because of I don’t want to have too much lard for making my grilled pork have a softly meat and juicy.
Start by marinated the pork shoulder with mixed sauce (brawn sugar, chicken powder seasoning, oyster sauce) then leave it for 20 minutes in refrigerators. Then grilled the pork till it turn to beautiful brawn color.
For Spicy Thai salad dressing we need to have pound Thai chili, pickled garlic water, sugar or brown sugar whatever, chicken powder seasoning, fish sauce, sweet chili paste (I have sweet less chili paste homemade from Panak chili paste because It’s more herbs and hot products) and lemon then mixed it well. Don’t forget blanching the vegetables for your safety from Covid-19 (Normally we use fresh vegetables for this menu.).
Taste: The dressing taste should be spicy and sour. Eating together with grilled pork shoulder. It’s so good. 😃