18 มิ.ย. 2022 เวลา 14:50 • ความคิดเห็น
If we do not talk, who do we talk to? Problems are still a problem as long as we do not bring them to the table for discussion. Small problems can become big problems when we refuse to sit down and talk face to face, but stand back, grit our teeth and talk.
myself phone photo
From each other, tell others who know nothing. Why are the people we complain about not being involved in the problem? It's important that those who are involved in the problem, those who know the cause of the problem, can speak up and find a better solution.
The more there is a lack of understanding for each other, the less understanding there will be. The more we intend to blame someone, the more we become distracted from understanding that person. Many relationships break down due to lack of understanding.

