National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. NICE quality standard for breast cancer. Quality Standard 12 2011, updated 2016.
This is the updated NICE Quality Standard for breast cancer management. The first quality statement is that ‘People with suspected breast cancer referred to specialist services receive the triple diagnostic assessment in a single hospital visit.’
Willett A.M., Mitchell M.J., Lee M.J.R. Best practice diagnostic guidelines for patients presenting with breast symptoms. Association of Breast Surgery; 2010. 1416/best-practice-diagnostic-guidelines-for-patients-presenting-with-breast-symptoms.pdf.
This is a useful document outlining multidisciplinary investigation of women who present with symptoms to the breast service.
Maxwell A.J., Ridley N.T., Rubin G., et al. Royal College of Radiologists Breast Group. The Royal College of Radiologists Breast Group breast imaging classification. Clin Radiol. 2009;64(6):624–627. 19414086.