25 ก.พ. 2023 เวลา 11:58 • การตลาด

Global mega trends will affecting business and marketing operations??

  • What is mega trends in marketing
A major movement, pattern or trend emerging in the macroenvironment (Monash University)
An emerging force likely to have a significant impact on the kinds of products consumers will wish to buy in the foreseeable future.
  • What things will change
1 Economic
Demographic changes, Economic will change.
Napoléon Bonaparte said, “China is a sleeping giant… when she wakes, she will move the world.” China will run the world. Their property market have a lot of potential power. They have fastest growing sectors included science and technology, entertainment, sport and finance.
2 Restoration Resources
Food prices to surge, which in turn could impact poorer communities. Causing impact of global warming is all around us and the population is expanding and civilization is rapidly replacing it. lead to energy demand Water and food have an impact on Earth's limited resources.
3. Technology and future
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are at the center of Megatrends. Upcoming new industry Some jobs will be replaced by machines. People will be replaced by machines. The global amount of information will increase tenfold, and information is an important tool in the industrial revolution.
4. Social change
Asia will have a large population. Social change It is therefore a challenge and an opportunity for the public and private sectors. Megatrend supports other structural changes such as technology development. And economic changes While the changes vary by region,
they will have local and global impacts on the market and society.
5.Rapid Urbanisation
“Megacities” around the world have increased three times, with the majority of population increasing in cities and megacities near capital cities. These will drive technological advancement. And affect climate change which will influence changes in other areas These large-scale demographic changes lead to opportunities and challenges for society. The needs of future urban populations will be different from today's.
Immigration expresses the need for new infrastructure and services. Transport infrastructure and networks must be constantly evolving.The resources that must be combined into a sample group.