I am grateful because I know that it has taken courage and an enormous willingness to be open to new thoughts and new ideas about God and about Life for you to stay with this dialogue for so long. Grateful, also, because I knew that now you, too, understand. You, too, remember. You, too, know Who You Really Are. And this can make all the difference in our world.
When I first began this dialogue ten years ago, I felt very much alone. Yet I knew that the messages contained in these extraordinary books were not meant for only me. They were meant for the world entire, and they were meant to change the world entire. Our world could benefit from some changing right now if we wish to continue our adventure on this beautiful Earth and enjoy a better life than we have known.
We have gone about as far as we can go in the direction we are now taking. We are beginning to disassemble everything we put together during the long process of our evolution. We can see this gradual deconstruction going on all around us. Yet the die has not been cast, and our future is by no means determined. Indeed, our species stands at the threshold of tomorrow with two distinct possibilities presenting themselves as opinions.
Will we now take quantum leap forward toward a glorious expression of the collective life with which we have been gifted, truly becoming highly evolved beings❓ Or will we take a giant step backward toward our own meager beginnings, embracing once again a caveman mentality, and living according to the most primitive priorities❓
These are the questions facing humanity today, and I have seen these questions looming before us from the earliest days of my youth. I have felt from those earliest days of my youth. I have felt from those earliest moments that the solution to our most pressing problems was lying right before us, and would be found in the simple rearranging of our most basic assumptions about the life we were living. Today, at the end of a decade of conversations with God, I am certain of that.
Yet this I know also: changing humanity’s assumptions about life is not something that can be done easily, or alone. It will take the combined effort of every human being who feels a calling to help create tomorrow. You know right now if you are one of those people.
If you are, you will commit to making the end of this Decade of Dialogue the beginning of a Century of Change. I figure it will take just about 100 years—the rest of my lifetime and yours, and some years beyond—to secure humanity’s future. In cosmic terms that’s a blink of an eye, but in human terms that’s a long-range job, so it’s good that we’re getting started. Actually, we’ve begun not a moment too soon, as you can see from even the most casual glance at the world around us.
Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to change the world’s mind about itself. To do that, we have to change our Cultural Story. We have to alter what we keep telling ourselves about who we are, how life is, why we are here on the earth, and what God wants. We have to educate our children in a new way and with new ideas about what it means to be human. And we have to begin all of this by re-educating ourselves.
You know all of this, of course. Deep inside, you already know all of this. That’s why you came to this book. You may think you came to it by happenstance or by a chance, but of course that is not true, and now you’re able to see that.
You’ve opened yourself to this dialogue with Deity, you’ve allowed yourself to have this conversation with God, so that you could remember what you’ve always understood at the deepest part of your being—and so that you could gather and form the articulations to help everyone else remember as well.
And so now the real work begins. And you have an important role to play, whether you have four weeks to live, or four months; four years or four decades.
Even those who are very near death —perhaps especially those— have a job they can do. Should they choose to do so, they can share a message by the way in which they die that will deeply impact everyone around them and, therefore, their world. That is one of the main points of this book. Death, this final dialogue says, is an act of creation.
Likewise, those of us who are continuing to live in our present physical form for a while longer have much that we can contribute to the process by which all souls come to a remembrance of who we are and why we are all here. Having placed ourselves upon the earth to know and experience our true identity, we can accelerate that process by assisting others in knowing and experiencing theirs.
There are many ways that you may undertake this work, and before I leave you with this final dialogue text I am going to suggest one extraordinary way that you could change your life and change your world. But first, let’s look at some rather simple things you can do and at some immediately accessible resources to expand your personal experience of the wonderful energy of the New Spirituality.
You might choose to generate group energy in exploring the ideas of the New Spirituality that can free humanity from its old paradigm of fear and separation, anger and violence, moving into a more peaceful and joyous expression of life.
You could do this by forming a Home with God Study Group. The creation of small groups that meet informally in people’s houses two or three times a month can go far in helping us all to write a new Cultural Story built on new beliefs that produce new behaviors in our daily lives.
It is by such means that we change the world. Please do not doubt this. A small handful of people meeting regularly in ‘cells’ around the globe has already deeply impacted our daily life and changed our world. The only question remaining is not, can people meeting quietly in groups change our world, but how do we want our world to change❓
One thing I am asked repeatedly wherever I go is. How can I get the messages from Conversations with God across to my children❓
มีเรื่องหนึ่งที่ผมถูกถามซ้ำๆในทุกที่ที่ผมไปคือ จะถ่ายทอดข้อความจาก Conversations with God ให้กับลูกๆได้อย่างไร❓
I am so happy to tell you that now there is a way, thanks to a remarkable man named Robert Friedman, who has chosen to publish a series of children’s books based on CwG. The first two books in this series are The Little Soul and the Sun and The Little Soul and the Earth.
These books tell the continuing story of The Little Soul and its adventure in both the spiritual and realm and the physical world. They do so in such a way, and with such beautiful illustrations, that children ages 4 to 7 can easily grasp the deeper meanings they convey.
ผมดีใจอย่างยิ่งที่จะบอกคุณว่าบัดนี้มีทางแล้ว ขอบคุณชายผู้น่าทึ่งชื่อโรเบิร์ต ฟรีดแมน ผู้ตัดสินใจตีพิมพ์หนังสือสำหรับเด็กชุดหนึ่งที่อ้างอิงจาก CwG หนังสือสองเล่มแรกในชุดนี้คือ The Little Soul and the Sun (วิญญาณน้อยกับดวงตะวัน) และ The Little Soul and the Earth (วิญญาณน้อยกับดาวเคราะห์โลก)
More adventures of the Little Soul are on the way. All are from Hampton Roads Publishing Company, which Mr. Friedman created just so that he could bring such messages to the world. (I should tell you that I was this man who first took the risk of publishing the initial Conversations with God trilogy ten years ago.
What now seems commonplace was at the time a gamble. A lot of money and goodwill could have been lost. This did not stop Bob, and the world is the better for his having that that level of courage and commitment.)
การผจญภัยเพิ่มเติมของวิญญาณน้อยกำลังจะตามมา ทั้งหมดนี้มาจากสำนักพิมพ์แฮมป์ตัน โรดส์ ซึ่งคุณฟรีดแมนที่ก่อตั้งขึ้นเพียงเพื่อให้สามารถนำข้อความเหล่านี้สู่โลก (ผมควรบอกคุณว่าเขาเป็นคนแรกที่เสี่ยงในการตีพิมพ์ชุด Conversations with God สามเล่มในครั้งแรกเมื่อสิบปีก่อน สิ่งที่ดูเป็นเรื่องธรรมดาในตอนนั้นถือเป็นการเสี่ยง เงินและความไว้วางใจจำนวนมากอาจสูญหายไป แต่เรื่องนี้ไม่ได้หยุดยั้งบ็อบ และโลกก็ดีขึ้นจากระดับความกล้าหาญและความมุ่งมั่นของเขา)
For your teenage children or grandchildren you may wish to consider Conversations with God for Teens. This book contains right-to-the-point inquiries from teenagers about life as they are living it. I went around the world and onto the internet to inquire to teens, ‘If you could ask God any question, what would it be❓’ The extraordinary dialogue in this unique book for young people is the result.
สำหรับลูกหลานที่ยังเป็นวัยรุ่นของคุณ คุณอาจต้องการพิจารณา Conversations with God for Teens หนังสือเล่มนี้ประกอบด้วยคำถามตรงประเด็นจากวัยรุ่นเกี่ยวกับการใช้ชีวิตที่พวกเขากำลังมีอยู่ ผมเดินทางไปทั่วโลกและทางออนไลน์เพื่อสอบถามวัยรุ่นว่า 'หากเธอสามารถถามคำถามพระเจ้าได้หนึ่งคำถาม คำถามนั้นจะเป็นอะไร❓' ผลลัพธ์ที่ได้คือบทสนทนาอันน่าทึ่งในหนังสือสำหรับคนรุ่นใหม่ที่ไม่เหมือนใครเล่มนี้
If you would like some beautiful musical reminders of the messengers here, may I recommend some places where you may find them❓ Carly Simon’s album of several yeas ago, Have You Seen Me Lately❓ Contains the extraordinary song “Life Is Eternal,’ based on the message from Rossiter W. Raymond that I have quoted in this book. Country song stylist Annie Sims has also recorded some very special music, including at least two songs inspired directly by her experience of Conversations with God.
The achingly beautiful ‘Go Within,’ from her album Half the Moon, is a deeply moving example. As well, many of the profoundly insightful songs written and performed in recent years by Alanis Morissette speak right from the heart of the Goddess/God within all of us. I am so inspired by the commitment Alanis has made to use her extraordinary gift not only to entertain, but to expand the consciousness of our planet.
หากคุณต้องการฟัเพลงที่เป็นการเตือนอันสวยงามของสาส์นนี้ ให้ผมได้แนะนำสถานที่บางแห่งที่คุณอาจพบบทเพลงเหล่านั้นได้❓ อัลบั้มของคาร์ลี่ ไซมอนเมื่อหลายปีก่อน Have You Seen Me Lately❓ บรรจุเพลงวิเศษ "Life Is Eternal" ซึ่งอ้างอิงจากข้อความของรอสซิเตอร์ ดับเบิลยู เรย์มอนด์ที่ผมได้กล่าวถึงไว้ในหนังสือนี้ นักร้องเพลงคันทรี่ แอนนี่ ซิมส์ ยังได้บันทึกเพลงพิเศษ รวมถึงอย่างน้อยสองเพลงที่ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจโดยตรงจากประสบการณ์ของ Conversations with God
I also would like to raise your awareness about a way you can share what the participants in our CwG Spiritual Renewal Retreats have experienced through the years during the very special guided meditations offered by Nancy Fleming Walsh. Many of our participants have told us that these remarkable meditations offered them a method of moving from Knowing to Experiencing who they are, providing a wonderful way to notice their connection to Source.
This movement from Knowing to Experiencing who they are, providing a wonderful way to notice their connection to Source. This movement from Knowing to Experiencing is the journey that we have talked about extensively in this book. Three of Nancy’s deeply impactfully meditations are now on CD in a program called Your Secret Place. I highly recommend it to anyone who would like a tool with which to richly explore what it is like to be Home with God.
การเคลื่อนจากการ "รู้" ไปสู่การ "ประสบ" นี้คือการเดินทางที่เราได้พูดถึงอย่างกว้างขวางในหนังสือเล่มนี้ การทำสมาธิสามอย่างของแนนซี่ที่มีผลกระทบอย่างลึกซึ้งตอนนี้อยู่บน CD ในโปรแกรมที่เรียกว่า Your Secret Place ผมขอแนะนำอย่างยิ่งสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการเครื่องมือเพื่อสำรวจอย่างลึกซึ้งถึงความรู้สึกของการอยู่บ้านกับพระเจ้า
Information on the Home with God Study Course, the Little Soul books for children, the music of Annie Sims and Alanis Morissette, the extraordinary guided imageries on the Your Secret Place CD, and the Conversations with God Spiritual Renewal Retreats presented around the world may be obtained by gong to www.nealedonaldwalsch.com and clicking on the Special Opportunities and Resources page. Yet that is only the beginning.
ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับหลักสูตรการศึกษา Home with God หนังสือ Little Soul สำหรับเด็ก เพลงของแอนนี่ ซิมส์และอลานิส มอริเซตต์ ภาพแนะนำอันน่าอัศจรรย์บน CD Your Secret Place และการฟื้นฟูทางวิญญาณ Conversations with God ที่นำเสนอทั่วโลก สามารถรับได้โดยไปที่ www.nealedonaldwalsch.com และคลิกที่หน้า Special Opportunities and Resources แต่นั่นเป็นเพียงแค่จุดเริ่มต้นเท่านั้น
What I intend that you will take from all of this is that you, yourself, can be a powerful force in the creation of our collective tomorrows. The question is not whether you can, but whether you will.
Yet in order to do so, you must have a tool, a method, a way in which the powerful force that is within you can play its effect on the powerful force that is outside of you. You do have that tool, but you may not be aware of it. It is the tool of individualized realization through collective action.
This is, it is the method by which each of us can have our way by gathering with others in a united undertaking directing its efforts toward the same end. I have used this quote before, and I will use it again. ‘The problem with the world today is that the civil are not organized…and the organized are not civil.’ I believe it was newspaper columnist Jimmy Breslin who penned those words, and he couldn’t have been more pithily accurate. Our job, then, is to get organized.
Standing in front of an audience of some 750 people in the Netherlands in October 2005, I made a statement quite spontaneously that has since ignited a worldwide undertaking by a select group of extraordinary people. I said to the audience that night, ‘Look at what a handful of people has done to produce terror in our world. Imagine what a similarly small handful of people could do if they were equally committed to producing peace, love, and joy in our world.’
I added, “You give me 1,000 people--ten from the Netherlands, ten from Denmark, ten from France, ten from Germany, ten from Italy…100 from all of Europe, 100 likewise from Korea, China, Japan, and the Far East, 100 from the Middle East, 100 from Africa, 100 from South America, 100 from North America, and so forth…just give me 1,000 people spread out like that all over the planet, and we’ll change the world.’
Then I surprised myself by saying, ‘In fact, if you want to be one of those people, send me an e-mail at info@TheGroupOf1000.com .’ At that point no such address existed❗ I had to rush back to my hotel room following the lecture and create it. The next morning when I opened this new e-mailbox, there were 77 messages❗
Now we are moving forward, putting together a worldwide network that will support a remarkable global initiative to help humanity change its mind about itself. We intend to do this by changing our Cultural Story, and we intend to do that by changing what we teach about ourselves.
Not everyone who inquires about The Group of 1000 decides to become a member. The requested level of commitment to our world and its future is very, very high. Those who have joined have chosen to make a difference on our planet in a profound and remarkable way.
ไม่ใช่ทุกคนที่สอบถามเกี่ยวกับ The Group of 1000 จะตัดสินใจเข้าร่วม ระดับการมุ่งมั่นที่ร้องขอต่อโลกและอนาคตของเราสูงมาก ๆ บรรดาผู้ที่เข้าร่วมได้เลือกที่จะสร้างความแตกต่างบนดาวเคราะห์ของเราในแบบที่ลึกซึ้งและน่าทึ่ง
If you would like to know more about this ground-level spiritual initiative, please write to: info@TheGroupOf1000.com
I would like to conclude here with a word about traditional religion and its most up-to-date ‘take’ on some of this. I am aware that many members of those traditional religions will be paying attention to this dialogue and to what we are doing here.
Often I wish that some of our traditional religions could see things even a tiny bit differently: So much could change, and millions of people would not have to approach life or death or God with fear, if only traditional religion could stop teaching that God sends us to hell, that it is God who either grants us our reward or condemns us to everlasting damnation on Judgment Day.
Often I think, if only religion could teach that we are doing this to ourselves. Then we could eliminate guilt from our consciousness as we approach the moment of death, and we would never create our own ‘hell’ when we move through death’s door.
Yet as I think this I just acknowledge that traditional religion is changing a great deal with regard to its messages, and I am truly grateful. I see this as a sure and certain sign of our evolution, and I want to acknowledge and honor the breathtaking shift that I have been witnessing in what some modern-day religious leaders have been saying.
I have mentioned in several previous books that remarkable statement made by Pope John Paul II. Hell does not exist as a place, the Pope said. Both ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ are (in the words of the Pope, not Conversations with God❗)’ states of being.’ In talks before an audience of over 8,000 on consecutive Wednesdays in July of 1999.
Pope John Paul II took a close look at these ideas of heaven and hell. According to L’Osservatore Romano, the newspaper of the Holy See, the Holy Father said, ‘When the form of this world has passed away, those who have welcomed God into their lives and have sincerely opened themselves to his love, at least at the moment of death, will enjoy that fullness of communion with God which is the goal of human life.’
Speaking about hell in his catechesis, the Pope said that care should be taken not to misinterpret the images of hell in Sacred Scripture, and explained that ‘rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitely separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy.’
I believe that the Pope was inspired directly by Deity in the making of these statements. He surely was aware that his every word of these statements. He surely was aware that his every word was being followed by the whole world. In my own conversations with God it has repeatedly been made clear that hell is not a punishment from God, but is self created, out of the thoughts of isolation of human beings who have been taught that they are separate from God.
Furthermore, I have been inspired in this present conversation to reveal that the ideas and concepts about hell and damnation that we carry with us through life reproduce themselves in our experience after we die. That is what happens, God has said here, in the second stage of death, when we experience what we expect to experience—including hell, if that is our expectation.
In his own remarks in 1999, Pope John Paul II said that hell ‘is not a punishment imposed externally by God, but a development of premises already set by people in this life.’
Can you believe that❓ That is a statement directly from the highest religious authority in the lives of billions of the world’s people, the temporal and spiritual leader of one of the world’s largest religions.
The Pope’s idea that hell is not a punishment from God, but is something we are creating ourselves through our thoughts of separation from the Divine, is strikingly similar to a statement made by evangelist Billy Graham several years ago:
‘The only thing I could say for sure is that hell means separation from God. We are separated from his light, from his fellowship. This is going to be hell. When it comes to a literal fire, I don’t preach it because I’m not sure about it’ (Time magazine, 11/15/93).
So what of the reality of a literal ‘lake of fire’ that burns throughout eternity❓ The Bible says that the reality of hell is a vital doctrine (Heb. 6:1,2). Jude taught that hell is a real, literal place of fire and torment (Jude 3, 7). The apostle John saw that hell was a real place (Rev: 14:10 14:10; 20:10-15; 21:8). But both Rev. Graham and Pope John Paul II completely reject this clear teaching of Scripture.
It is wonderful that high-profile religious leaders are beginning to call into question those out-of-date teachings that do not bring us closer to God but push us farther away. And so I happily acknowledge that mainstream religion is awakening.
There is hope for a brighter tomorrow. We can reach critical mass in the sharing with our world of new ideas about God and about Life if we will all join together, using the power of the Internet and of other forms of mass communication, including radio, television, and films.
I intend to use all of those forms in the months and years ahead now that my ‘assignment’ has been altered. As I have said, this is my last dialogue book. It is not, however, the end of my work. God has just changed my ‘job description,’ from bringing the message through to getting the message out. As I embark on this new mission I intend to dream the impossible dream: that humanity will one day hear God’s most important statement to all the world…
So far, there has been one unbeatable foe in humanity’s long quest for self-realization. That foe has been our own thought about ourselves. It is as Walt Kelly’s wonderful cosmic strip character, Pogo, put is so succinctly. 'We have met the enemy, and they is us.’
That is an assignment I hope that you will take on as well. God has promised us that humanity’s ideas are shifting, and that our dreams can be the dreams that truly change the world. I would like to witness this reality in the Present Moment of my Now.
I urge us all, as we continue creating our collective reality within time and space, to join our energies together to produce the new and wondrous outcome for which we have so long yearned. My spiritual partnership with you in these past ten years of sharing conversations with God is something that I shall never forget. I cherish you and love you in all the when/wheres of my being.