Neale : I am so enthralled with this idea! But—and maybe I am ‘thinking’ about this way too much, BUT—if I am to also be joined in this heaven by those souls with whom I will go through future lives, that would mean that I am going through all of my lives—including this one—with souls that I have known…ahead of time.
G : “This is just the beginning of the wonder and the glory, my beautiful child, just the beginning. For Shakespeare had it right when he said, ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’
“I tell you, you will all gather together, you Souls of Antiquity. You will all meet and love again. You will all join once more, and always, in the Sacred Circle of Co-Creation.
“And the soul partners of all your lifetimes will surround you and shower you with love as you respond to the Holy Inquiry. Do you wish now to go on❓ Are you complete with the present experience of Divinity❓”
G : “Oh, my wonder, my child, my breathtaking creation, I have told you almost nothing yet. I have things to show you that will make even this commonplace.
And the first thing I will have to show you when you leave this life is your glorious self. As you were originally created will you be seen, in the mirror of your own love. For you will love yourself again, even as you did when you were allowed to, in heaven.
And you will be whole again, and young again, and you will move into the spiritual realm with all the zest and spirit of your most exciting time. You will experience yourself as in the days of your earthly youth, and it will be as if no time has passed at all—which is exactly what has happened.”
N : I must ask you a final question—something we have not touched upon at all throughout this entire dialogue. What about the death of children❓ Do they experience the same things we have been talking about here❓
G : “They do, and in a very gentle way. Death is very kind to children, because children rarely move into death holding all sorts of preconceived negative notions about what happens afterward. They are pure. They have only just come from the spiritual realm. They are not that far removed from the Core of Their Being. They have just emerged from the Essence. And so small children move through the first stages of death very quickly and return almost immediately into Mergence with the Essence.”
N : But when they emerge from that, and they experience the moment of the Holy Inquiry, do they continue on their journey as tiny little children, or whatever age child they were when they left their body❓
G : “They are given a moment of the Biggest Free Choice they will ever make—the same choice that all souls face before entering the spiritual realm. They may go on with their lives retaining the identity with which they left their last experience of physical life, or they may create a new identity. All souls have this choice.
“It should be said that children ‘grow up’ in the Afterlife. That is, they become fully aware and fully conscious of all that is going on, and of Ultimate Reality. They know why they came to the earth and they know why they left as early as they did.
If they feel complete with all of that, they will move on, in whatever form they choose. If they do not feel complete, they will have the same opportunity to ‘come back to life’ as any other soul. The process is the same for all souls, no matter what the age of their body when they leave the physical world.
N : Yes, please. I could very much like to know about this.
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G : “Those souls who enter the body and leave the body within a very short period—children who die in childbirth, for instance, or at a very tender age—inevitably do so in service to the agenda of another, at a very high level.
“All souls come to physicality to serve their individual agenda, but that agenda may very well have little to do, specifically, with themselves, and everything to do with the agenda of others. The soul who returns as an avatar or master, for instance, does so for the joy of experiencing itself as that—and knows that the best way to do this is to serve the agenda of others almost exclusively.
“The agenda of others in this case may be to remember Who They Really Are and, at some level, to experience that. The avatar or master serves that agenda in the living of his or her life.
“Similarly, many souls come to earth to experience the joy of serving the agenda of others in another way. In some cases, they are required to leave early in order to do that. This is never, however, a tragedy for that soul. They have agreed to leave early.”
G : “Yes, Remember that I told you, all the souls you have ever loved will be waiting for you at the time of your death. These include the souls who have preceded you in death, as well as those who have followed you. You will open your ‘eyes’ when you ‘cross over’ to find everyone there—just as they will find you there when they cross over. You will all be there for each other in the Only Moment There Is.”
G : “Exactly. And you will joyously celebrate all that you have co-created in order that you might, each of you know your Self as Who You Really Are, and experience that. You will then enter into a ‘contract’ or an agreement with each other on what you will each do in your next sequentaneous expression. As always, you will choose to experience this next expression as if it were happening sequentially—and, as always, it will be occurring simultaneously.
G : “Every soul who comes to the body to serve the agenda of others is an angel—and every child who has died very young has done so to bring a gift to another. That gift may not be understood for some time by parents and others who are, naturally, deeply grieving. But I promise you that as time goes by and healing occurs, the gift will be seen, it will be received, and the work of that little sweetheart—who could only be described as an angel—will have been accomplished.”
N : I am so grateful to know this, and to know everything that you have told me in my Conversations with God. This ongoing dialogue with you has changed my life, and touched the lives of millions around the world as well. I don’t know what to say. I know this is our final conversation…
G : “Our final conversation in public. I will always be with you. Always. As your loved ones are always with you. They hover about you now, some in physical form, some as spirit guides and angels. Yet they are all angels. Even those you have imagined to be your enemies. All have appeared in your world with a Divine reason and for a Divine purpose; that you might know and choose, express and experience, become and fulfill, Who You Really Are.
“Know this, therefore: Life on this planet is your greatest treasure, created for you as a context within which you might make the next most glorious decision about your Self. And know also that to assist you in this choice I have sent you nothing but angels.”
N : You have told me this before. I could not hear you. My life was such a mess, I had to find someone to blame. The world was so near to destruction. I had to find someone to make wrong.
G : “Yet have I not said, judge not, and neither condemn❓ Therefore, be a Light unto the darkness, and curse it not. For all that has come to pass has come to bring passage for you, into the world and the experience of your most wondrous imagining.
“With this, let our public conversation end. You said early in our dialogue that you have not yet accomplished what you set out to accomplish. Now you have. Almost. You only have to remember now how to love. Completely, not just a little bit. Selflessly, not only when it’s in your own best interest.
“That is enough for you to focus on now, so you can allow this public conversation to end. For you have brought to its conclusion, with this final information about the cosmology of all of life and of life after death, a dialogue that is meant for all of humanity, and that is enough. You have given this process ten years of your life, and that is enough.
You have given this process ten years of your life, and that is enough. You have changed the world’s mind about God, and about Life, and that is enough.”
“The New Revelations and Tomorrow’s God have been embraced by people everywhere, and because of your work and the work of many others like you
—the teachers, the authors, the speakers and the singers of songs, the healers and ministers, the tellers of stories in murals that move, the mommies and daddies who cuddled their young in the embrace of real and abiding love, the workers in the vineyard and all the messengers who have been deeply committed to changing the way life is lived upon the earth—the World Entire has begun its remarkable transformation.
“A surprising moment will be the moment that you first enter the spiritual realm and discover that you may create, with the speed of your thoughts, anything at all. And that you may come to Know what you have created sequentially or simultaneously, as you choose. Oh, yes, what a surprise this will be❗
“And yet, the biggest surprise and the biggest wonder will still be to come. Only after you choose to recreate yourself anew, only after you decide, with the souls of all your loved ones around you, how you next wish to experience the wonder and the glory of who you are, only in the moment of that choice will the totality of your awareness be opened to…
"You may exercise this power both in the spiritual realm and in the physical world. With your thoughts, with your words, and with your deeds will you do so. You are doing so now, even in this present moment. Therefore in this glorious time of Now/Always, re-create your Self anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Are.