#17 TOB - บทที่ 6️⃣ The Seven Masters and the Aura (1) : #Aura – ออร่า
▪️ผู้แปล : อุดม (แอดมิน)
6️⃣ The Seven Masters and the Aura
บทที่ 6️⃣ คุรุผู้รู้แจ้งทั้งเจ็ดและออร่า
A huge flame burned blue; orange yellow and red flames burned around it. An enormous black snake slid straight through the flames, heading for me. Giants appeared from nowhere, running, and trying to catch the snake. It took seven of them together, to stop it before it reached me. But it turned and swallowed the flames, only to spit them back out, like a dragon, at the giants. They were transformed into immense statues just as they were - mounted on the tail of the snake.
The reptile became a comet and carried the statues off - to Easter Island.1 Next, they were greeting me, wearing strange hats. One of the statues, resembling Thao, caught me by the shoulder and said, ‘Michel, Michel...wake up.’ Thao was shaking me and gently smiling.
(1 ‘Easter Island’ - an isolated island in the Pacific with no trees, several thousand kilometres from the shore of Chile, on which there are numerous gigantic statues from stone. Some of these statues are 50 meters high and since time immemorial have been considered ‘one of the seven wonders of the world’. Their existence has intrigued archaeologists and historians for centuries. —Editor’s comment in agreement with the Author)
‘No, but your dream was really quite strange, for on Easter Island, there is a statue which was sculptured a very long time ago to immortalise me and which was given my name.’
Thao handed me a richly-coloured robe which quite delighted me and, after a warm and perfumed bath, I dressed in the garment. A feeling of euphoria, which was totally unexpected, overwhelmed me. I mentioned it to Thao, who was waiting with a glass of milk and a little manna for me.
‘The colours of your robe were chosen according to those of your Aura; that’s why you feel so good. If people on Earth were able to see Auras, they too could choose colours, which suit them and thereby enhance their feeling of well-being. They’d make use of colour rather than aspirin.’
‘Well, in such cases, those people have simply chosen their clothes less skilfully than others, or mixed them less successfully. As you say in French, they jurent or ‘clash’, but more in the eyes of others than in their own. However, such people will not feel good in themselves, without realising why. If you were to suggest it be because of the colours they were wearing, they would think you odd.
You could explain that the vibrations of the colours were in discord with those of their Auras, but they would be no more inclined to believe you. On your planet, people only believe in what they see or touch...and yet the Aura can be seen...’
‘Of course. The Aura vibrates constantly with colours that vary. At the top of your head is a veritable bouquet of colours, where almost all the colours you know are represented.
‘Around the head too, is a golden halo, but it is only really obvious in the most highly spiritual people and in those who have sacrificed themselves in order to help someone else. The halo resembles a golden mist, much like painters on Earth depict the haloes of ‘saints’ and of Christ. The haloes were included in their paintings because, in those times, some of the artists actually saw them.’
‘The colours are all there in the Aura: some shine more strongly, others are dull. People in poor health, for example, or people with bad intentions...'
‘Many people on Earth could see it and read it a very long time ago, but there are few now. Calm yourself, Michel. You will see it, and not only one but several. Including your own. Now, though, I’ll ask you to follow me, because we have so much to show you and little time available.’
In a matter of moments, we had emerged on the beach.
ในชั่วพริบตา เราก็มาถึงชายหาด
The sun had just risen behind the island and lit up the ocean and surrounding islands. From water level - the effect was magical. As we proceeded along the beach, I could see other dokos through the foliage, nestled among flowering bushes.
On the beach, the inhabitants of these dwellings bathed in transparent waters or strolled together on the sand. Apparently surprised to see our flying platform, they followed our progress as we passed. It occurred to me that this was not the usual means of transport on the island.
I should mention too, although swimmers and sunbathers are always completely naked on Thiaoouba, those who stroll or move any significant distance, always dress to do so. On this planet, there is neither hypocrisy, exhibitionism nor false modesty (this will be explained later).
We headed in the direction of a large island, which could be seen on the horizon. I could not help but admire the dexterity with which Thao piloted the flying machine, especially when we arrived at the shore of the island.
Approaching the coast, I could recognise enormous dokos, their points as usual towards the sky, I counted a group of nine, but the island was sprinkled with others, smaller and less visible amongst the vegetation. Thao took us higher and we were soon flying over what Thao called Kotra quo doj Doko - ‘The City of the nine Dokos’.
Skilfully, Thao brought us down between the dokos, to a beautiful park located in their midst. In spite of my mask, I was aware that the golden mist that enveloped Thiaoouba was much denser around these dokos than elsewhere.
She led me beneath an archway of greenery and along a path, which ran beside small ponds. Here wonderful water birds frolicked and little waterfalls murmured.
I found myself almost running to keep up with Thao, but didn’t like to ask her to slow down. She appeared preoccupied in a way that was not typical of her. At one point, there was almost a catastrophe when I tried to jump, as much to amuse myself as to catch up with Thao. Due to the difference in gravity, I misjudged my leap and had to catch hold of a tree, which grew right on the water’s edge, to prevent myself from falling in.