#16 TOB - บทที่ 5️⃣ Learning to live on another planet (2) :
‘doko’ - #ที่พักอาศัยที่สร้างจากสนามพลังอีเธอร์
▪️ผู้แปล : อุดม (แอดมิน)
Soon our paths crossed and grand gestures of friendship were exchanged. At the same instant, a wave of well-being flowed through me lasting several seconds. It was the same sensation Latoli had produced and I recognised it as a sign of greeting from these ‘flying people’.
‘No, they have a Tara1 on their waists and a Litiolac2 in their hands. These produce certain vibrations that neutralise the cold magnetic force of the planet, allowing neutralisation of the gravitational force.
Even a weight of millions of tonnes compares with that of feathers. Then, by other vibrations resembling those of ultra-sound, they can steer themselves precisely to wherever they choose, as they are doing now. On this planet, everyone wanting to travel some distance uses this method.’
‘Michel, you are impatient. I have brought you by this means because you are not capable of flying with a Litiolac. Without practice, you could hurt yourself. Later, perhaps, if there is time, I will teach you how to use it. Look, we are nearly there.’
Indeed, we were fast approaching an island and could clearly see a golden beach where several people basked in the sun. Almost immediately, we were flying beneath palm fronds along a wide path, bordered with two rows of flowering and very fragrant bushes. The area was alive with the sound and colour of insects, butterflies and birds.
The vehicle proceeded slowly at ground level and, after a final bend in the path, we arrived before a ‘little egg’, nestled among small trees and flowering vines. It seemed that every building on this planet had the shape of an egg, most often lying on their ‘sides’ but occasionally upright, as I have said, with the pointed end upwards. The ‘shells’ were off-white in colour and had no windows or doors.
This particular egg lay on its side, apparently half buried in the ground. It was about 30 metres long and 20 metres in diameter - quite small in comparison with those I’d seen so far.
Thao stopped the vehicle in front of a bright light centred on the wall of the egg. Leaving the platform, we entered the habitation. As we did so, I felt a light pressure, with no more force than the weight of an eiderdown. I remembered experiencing the same sensation earlier, when we passed through the wall of the space centre.
Having neither doors nor windows on these buildings is extraordinary in itself, but once inside, it was stranger still. As I have mentioned before, the overall impression was of still being outside.
The startling beauty of colour was everywhere; the greenery; the branches of the trees dissecting the blue-mauve sky above; the butterflies; the flowers...I recall a bird that came to rest right in the middle of the ‘roof, so that we could see the bottom of its feet. It was as though it had miraculously stopped in mid-air - the effect was quite extraordinary.
The only contrast with the outside was provided by the floor that was covered in a type of carpet on which were arranged comfortable looking seats and large pedestal tables. All of these furnishings were, of course, on a large scale - appropriate to these ‘large-scale’ people.
Thao approached an object on the floor and touched it. When I removed my mask, I found the light to be no less tolerable than with it on, although the shiny quality was restored.
‘You see, Michel, this habitation exists because of a magnetic field that is quite special. We have copied the forces of nature and the creations of nature to our own ends. Let me explain. Every body - human, animal or mineral - possesses a field around itself. The human body, for example, is surrounded both by an Aura and by an etheric force (field)1 of oval shape. You know that, don’t you?’
‘These vibrations occur continuously for your protection while you are alive, and they are not to be confused with the vibrations of the Aura. With our habitations, we have copied nature in creating a field of mineral electro-etheric vibrations around a nucleus.’ Thao indicated an ‘egg’, the size of an ostrich egg, located in the middle of the room between two seats. ‘Will you push this seat please, Michel❓’
I looked at Thao, surprised by her request, considering the size of the seat and the fact that she had never before asked anything of me. I tried to oblige, but with some difficulty for the seat was indeed heavy; however I succeeded in moving it about 50 centimetres.
‘Very good,’ she said. ‘Now you will pass me the egg.’
“ดีมาก” เธอพูด “ตอนนี้ช่วยส่งไข่ให้ฉันหน่อย”
I smiled. In comparison, this would be a simple task. I could lift it with one hand and without any effort; but in order not to drop it, I took it in two hands and...fell to my knees❗ I had not expected it to be so heavy and had overbalanced. I stood up and tried again, this time with all my strength...nothing happened.
Thao touched my shoulder. ‘Watch,’ she said. Turning towards the seat I had found so difficult to move, she placed one hand under it and raised it above her head. Still with one hand, she set it down again, apparently with no effort. Next, she took the egg in both hands and pushed and pulled with all her might till the veins swelled in her neck. Still the egg didn’t move a tenth of a millimetre.
‘No, Michel, it is the Centre and cannot move. It is the nucleus I spoke of earlier. We have created a field around it, so strong that the wind and the rain can’t penetrate this field.
As for the sun’s rays, we can regulate the extent to which they penetrate. The birds too, which come to rest above, are not heavy enough to pass through the field and, if by chance a heavier bird does land, he will start to sink. This produces such a frightening sensation for the bird that he will fly away immediately without having come to any harm.’
‘Indeed, we could. It’s just that from the outside, it’s not possible to see the interior and so you can’t know that you won’t hit a piece of furniture on the other side. The best place to enter is always indicated by an external light. Come, let me show you around.’
I followed her and discovered, behind a richly decorated partition, a truly magnificent setting. There was a miniature swimming pool that seemed to be of green porphyry and, nearby, a matching basin over which a porphyry swan was bending, its beak open...the effect was beautiful.
Thao held her hand under the swan’s beak and immediately the water began to flow over her hand and into the basin. She withdrew it and the flow ceased. She indicated that I should try. The basin was about 150 centimetres above the floor so that I had to lift my arm quite high but I managed and the water spurted out again.
‘No, Michel, we don’t procure our water as you do on Earth. Under this magnificent stone bird, is an apparatus which draws air from outside and transforms it into drinking water as required.’
‘Cells positioned on the side, control the functioning of the apparatus...but these are only material details and of no great significance. ‘This here,’ said Thao, following the direction of my gaze, ‘is the relaxation area. You can stretch out there.’ She pointed to a thick mat that was on the floor, a little further down towards the base of the egg.
I lay down and immediately felt as though I were floating at ground level. Although she continued to speak, I could no longer hear Thao’s voice. She had disappeared behind a misty curtain, so that I had the impression of being enveloped in a thick fog of cotton wool. At the same time, musical vibrations could be heard, and the total effect was marvellously relaxing.
‘It really is the height of comfort❗’ I replied enthusiastically. ‘But there is one thing I haven’t yet seen and that is the kitchen - and you know how important the kitchen is to the French❗’
‘This way,’ she said, smiling again and taking several steps in another direction. ‘Do you see this transparent drawer❓ Inside you have various compartments. From left to right: fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, and here in the last, we have what you call ‘manna’, which is our bread.’
‘What you see are concentrates of the various foods - fish, vegetables etc, of the best quality prepared by excellent cooks using various special methods. When you taste it, you will find all this food excellent and very nourishing.’
Thao then uttered several words in her own language and, in a few moments, I had before me on a tray, selected items of food arranged in a manner pleasing to the eye. When I tasted it, my palate was agreeably surprised. It was indeed, excellent, although very different from anything I had ever eaten before in my life. The manna I had already tasted in the spaceship. I ate some of it again and found it a good accompaniment to the dishes presented.
‘It is a product we always carry on our intergalactic spacecraft. It is very practical, being easily compressed and highly nourishing. In fact, it’s a complete food. It comes from wheat and oats and you could live on it alone for months.’
Just then, our attention was drawn by the approach of some people, flying at ground level beneath the branches of the trees. They set down at the entrance to the ‘egg’, unfastened their Taras and placed them on a block of marble, no doubt there for the purpose. One after the other, they entered and I recognised with pleasure, Biastra and Latoli and the rest of the crew from the spacecraft.
They had changed from their space uniforms into long Arabian-style robes of shimmering colours. (Later, I was to understand why the colour of each robe was so flattering to the individual who wore it.) For the moment, it was difficult to believe these were the same people I had known and spoken with on the spacecraft, they were so completely transformed.
Latoli approached me, a radiant smile lighting up her face. Placing her hand on my shoulder she said, telepathically, ‘You seem somewhat stunned, my dear. Are our habitations not to your liking❓’
She ‘read’ my affirmative and admiring response and was delighted by it. Turning back to the others, she relayed my response, and comments flew thick and fast, everyone talking at once. They had all sat down, looking much more at home in their seats than I felt in mine. I felt as odd as a duckling among chickens in that my size corresponded with nothing that had been built on their scale.
Thao went to the ‘kitchen’ and filled a tray with things to eat. Then, at a word from her, all hands were held out in the direction of the tray, which rose slowly in the air.
It moved around the room, stopping before each guest, without her having to touch it. Finally, it stopped in front of me and, with great caution, lest it fall (which vastly amused everyone) I took a glass of hydromel. The tray departed of its own accord, returning to its place of origin, and all hands were lowered.
‘By what you would call ‘levitation’, Michel. We can, as readily, lift ourselves in the air, but that serves no great purpose other than our own amusement.’ Having said that, Thao, who was sitting cross-legged, began to rise above her seat and floated about the room, finally coming to rest in mid-air.
I stared at her, but soon realised I was the only one fascinated by her accomplishment. Indeed, I must have looked idiotic, for all eyes were fixed on me. Evidently, Thao’s behaviour was perfectly normal to my friends but they were more interested in the astonished expression on my face.
We passed the time pleasantly that afternoon, my new friends and I, communicating telepathically in a light-hearted way, until the sun was low in the sky.
Then Thao explained, ‘Michel, this ‘doko’, as we call our habitations on this planet, will be your home during your brief stay on Thiaoouba. We’ll be leaving you now for the night, to let you sleep. If you wish to bathe, you know how to arrange it and you can sleep on the relaxation bed. But try to be organised within the next half-hour, as there is no lighting in this habitation. We are able to see as well by night, as by day, and have no need of it.’
Again Thao smiled. ‘On this planet, you could sleep on the ground in the middle of town and you would be safer than in a building with armed guards, dogs and alarms on Earth.
‘Here, we have only very evolved beings and certainly, none resembling the criminals you have on Earth. In our eyes, they must be likened to the worst of savage beasts. On that note, good night.’
Thao about-turned and passed through the ‘wall’ of the doko to rejoin her friends. They must have brought a ‘Litiolac’ for her because she flew off with the group.