G : “Again let me promise you that looking at all of life in this larger way has enormous value. It helps you to crystallize your thinking about what is going on here, to deepen your understanding. This prepares you for both life and ‘death.’”
N : Then if, as you’ve said, the super conscious is the part of us that holds the larger agenda of the soul, and is constantly leading us to our next most appropriate growth experience, why in the world would it draw to us the experience of judgment, damnation, and hell in the afterlife? Why would it allow our conscious mind to accept and to embrace such an idea?
G : “In that letter you said, 'Sometimes the Soul chooses things at a subconscious or a superconscious level that it would never choose at a conscious level.’ “You said that it does this ‘in order to fulfill it’s larger Agenda.”
N : Still, if there is such a thing as a ‘superconscious,’ I can’t believe that it would deliberately choose to cause me to experience hell, with or without suffering. Besides, you’ve made a great effort to explain to me that we experience at the moment of our death what we believe we are going to experience.
You’ve told me that our Afterlife experience is thus a result of conscious choice. Now you’re telling me just the opposite! Now you’re telling me that it’s the result of my super conscious choice! Which is it?
G : “That you are the Creator of your own reality.”
พระเจ้า : "#ว่าเธอคือผู้สร้างความจริงของเธอเอง"
N : The superconscious part of me is going to allow the conscious part of me to experience myself in that way, as a creator, even if what is being created is bad for me?
N : Who cares where I am making the judgment? If I am in ‘hell’ and my mind says. ‘This is hell,’ that’s enough for me. It’s not going to matter to me that it’s ‘all in my mind‘! All that will matter to me is what I am experiencing. It’s not going to be very important to me HOW it has come to pass that I am experiencing that.
G : “Because only when you know ‘how it has come to pass’ can you change it. You can’t change your experience--in this lifetime OR the next--until you know how you’ve created it.
“Now if you know that the ‘hell’ you are experiencing is being created by you consciously, solely in your mind, then you will know the formula by which you can end that experience immediately.”
(*out of your mind แปลได้อีกอย่างว่า : "สติหลุด/จิตไม่ปกติ หรือ วิกลจริต" นะครับ 😁 ส่วน ; have to be ก็แปลได้อีกอย่างว่า : ต้องมีสภาวะ, เป็นอยู่ ดำรงอยู่ในสภาวะ ➡️ จึงแปลประโยคนี้ได้อีกอย่างว่า : #เธอต้องเข้าสู่สภาวะที่อยู่นอกเหนือจิตนึกคิดปกติ หรือ อยู่นอกเหนือเหตุและผลในเชิงตรรกะ)
N : I’m going to be when I finish this conversation!
นีล : ผมคงจะสติหลุดจริงๆ เมื่อการสนทนานี้จบลง❗
G : “Just stay with it, my friend. You are doing very well.
“People who experience heaven instead of hell are all told that they are ‘out of their mind.’ They are confronted with the same set of circumstances as everyone else, but they experience them in a different way.”
N : This is where the three Tools of Creation (thought, word, and deed) and the three Levels of Experience (subconscious, conscious, and super conscious) come in.
G : “No. Words are creations of the mind. When you move from the conscious mind to superconscious awareness, you will find that there are no words for it.
“If you move to this level of awareness in meditation, during sacred dance or ritual, or by some other means, you will find in that place that there are only feelings (or vibrations).
“When most people feel something, they will immediately explore that feeling with their conscious mind and try to ‘put it into words.’ This may or may not be useful.
“The master does not impulsively do this. The master simply feels the feeling, allows the feeling, and experiences the feeling fully. Then the master decides whether there will be any benefit in trying to put that feeling into words.
“Feeling are your first thought, your pure thought. A feeling is a wordless thought. It conveys a great deal without ‘saying’ anything. Feelings are the language of the soul.
“Words are your second thought. They are your attempt to conceptualize your feelings by translating them into audible utterances. Words are the language of the mind. Masters have a feeling and often don’t give it a second thought. This avoids all manner of life complications. It makes the path less arduous.
“Actions are your third thought, and are often an afterthought. They are your attempt to physicalize what you have conceptualized. Actions are the language of the body.
“By the time you put feelings into words and words into action, you may have lost a lot in the translations. The master knows this, which is why the master is very careful and moves with great deliberation from one level of experience to another--if he moves to another level at all.”