#13 TOB - บทที่ 4️⃣ The Golden Planet(2) : The Spirit —#จิตวิญญาณสูงสุด (จุดเริ่มต้นของสรรพสิ่ง)
▪️ผู้แปล : อุดม (แอดมิน)
‘A certain percentage of these people are arriving at a very critical point in history and we feel that the time has come to try to assist them. If they will listen, we can ensure that they take the right path. This is why you have been chosen...’
Thao smiled at my vehement reaction. ‘The only writers who might have done it, as it must be done, are dead - I mean Plato or Victor Hugo - and they still would have reported the facts with too much stylistic embellishment. We require the most precise account possible.’
‘How often for example, do you see news reports that differ from channel to channel or paper to paper? Whom do you believe when one gives the death toll in an earthquake as 75, another as 62 and another as 95? Do you really imagine we would trust a journalist?’
I didn’t know what to say. Moreover, my objections were ridiculous since I had already embarked on this affair and there was no going back. Ultimately, I had to admit I was enjoying this space voyage more and more. Certainly, millions of human beings would have given all they owned to be in my place.
‘I will argue no further Thao. If this is your decision, I can only yield to it. I hope I will be equal to the task. Have you considered that ninety nine per cent of people will not believe a word of what I say? For most people it will be too incredible.’
‘Michel, almost 2000 years ago, did they believe that Christ was sent by God as he claimed❓ Certainly not, for they wouldn’t have crucified him had they believed. Now however, there are millions who believe what he said...’
‘I have been expecting this question and it is important that you ask it. On an ancient stone tablet, which I believe is Naacal, it is written: In the beginning there was nothing - all was darkness and silence.
‘It’s extremely difficult for the human mind, even when highly developed, to comprehend such a thing. In fact, in a sense, it is impossible. On the other hand, your Astral Spirit assimilates it when it is freed from your physical body. But I’m getting ahead of myself - let’s go back to the very beginning.
‘In the beginning there was nothing except darkness and a spirit - THE Spirit.
“ในตอนเริ่มต้น ไม่มีอะไรนอกจากความมืดมิดและจิตวิญญาณนั้น - จิตวิญญาณสูงสุด (THE Spirit)
‘The Spirit was, and is, infinitely powerful - powerful beyond the comprehension of any human mind. The Spirit is so powerful that he was able, by the action of his will alone, to trigger an atomic explosion with chain reactions of unimaginable force.
In fact, the Spirit imagined the worlds - he imagined how to create them - from the most enormous to the most minuscule. He imagined the atoms. When he imagined them he created, in his imagination, all that moved and will move: all that lived and will live; all that is motionless, or seems to be - every single thing.
‘But it existed only in his imagination. All was still in darkness. Once he had an overall view of what he wanted to create, he was able, by his exceptional spiritual force, to create, instantaneously, the four forces of the Universe.
‘With these, he directed the first and the most gigantic atomic explosion of all time - what certain people on Earth call ‘The Big Bang’. The Spirit was at its centre and induced it. Darkness was gone and the Universe was creating itself according to the will of the Spirit.
‘Michel, I speak of no religion such as exists on Earth and especially not the Christian religion. Don’t confuse religions with the Creation and the simplicity of all that ensued. Don’t confuse logic with the illogical distortions of religions. We will have the opportunity to talk again later on this subject, and you are certainly in for some surprises.
‘For the moment, I was trying to explain the Creation to you. During billions of years (for the Creator of course, it is eternally the ‘present’, but it is more at the level of our understanding to count by billions of years), all the worlds, suns and atoms were formed, as you are taught in schools, the planets revolving around their suns, and sometimes with their own satellites etc.
At certain times in certain solar systems, some planets cool down - soil is formed, rocks solidify, oceans are formed and landmasses become continents.
‘Finally, these planets become habitable for certain forms of life. All this was in the beginning, in the imagination of The Spirit. We can call his first force the ‘Atomic force’.
‘At this stage, by his second force, he conceived the primary living creatures and many of the primary plants, from which later derived the sub-species. This second force we will call the ‘Ovocosmic Force’, as these creatures and plants were created by simple cosmic rays, which ended up with cosmic eggs.
‘At the very beginning, The Spirit imagined experiencing feelings through a special creature. He had imagined Man by means of the third force that we will call the ‘Ovoastromic Force’. Thus Man was created. Have you ever considered Michel, what intelligence it took to create a human being or even an animal❓
Blood that circulates thanks to the heart that beats millions of times independently of the will...lungs that purify the blood by means of a complex system...the nervous system...the brain which gives the orders, aided by the five senses...the spinal cord which is ultra-sensitive and which will make you [instantly] withdraw your hand from a hot stove so you won’t burn yourself - it would have taken one tenth of a second for the brain to issue the order to prevent your hand from being burnt.
‘Have you ever wondered why, that of the billions of individuals on a planet like yours, there are no two fingerprints the same: and why, what we call the ‘crystalline’ of the blood, is just as unique among individuals as the fingerprint❓
‘Your experts and technicians on Earth, and on other planets, have tried and still try to create a human body. Have they succeeded❓ In regards to the robots they have made, not even the most highly perfected will ever be more than a vulgar machine in comparison with the human mechanism.
‘To go back to the crystalline I mentioned just now, it is best described as a certain vibration particular to the blood of each individual. It has nothing to do with the blood group. Various religious sects on Earth believe absolutely in the ‘rightness’ of refusing blood transfusions.
Their reasons relate to the teachings and books of their religious teachings and their own interpretations of these, whereas they should look to the real reason, which is the impact the different vibrations have on each other.
‘If it is a large transfusion, it can have an influence on the recipient to a degree and, for a length of time, which varies according to the volume of the transfusion. This influence, of course, is never dangerous.
‘After a time, which never exceeds one month, the vibrations of the recipient’s blood takes over, leaving no trace of the vibrations of the donor’s blood.
‘But I notice that I have deviated greatly from my subject, Michel. In any case, it is time now to rejoin the others. We are not far from arriving at Thiaoouba.’