#14 TOB - บทที่ 4️⃣ The Golden Planet(3) : Thiaoouba – #ถึงดาวเทียร์อูบาห์
▪️ผู้แปล : อุดม (แอดมิน)
I didn’t dare ask Thao then, about the nature of the fourth force, for already she was heading for the exit. I left my seat and followed her back to the command post. There, on the panel and in close-up view, a person was talking slowly and almost continuously. Numbers and figures, with luminous dots of different bright colours were continually crossing the screen, interspersed with symbols.
Thao sat me down in the seat I had previously occupied and asked me not to interfere with my security system. She then moved away, to confer with Biastra who seemed to be supervising the astronauts, each of who was busy at her respective desk. Finally, she came back and sat down in the seat next to mine.
The close-up view on the panel was replaced by a wide-angle shot, allowing us a general view of the command room of the intergalactic base, as we had seen earlier. Now each operator was deep in concentration at her particular desk. Many of the ‘desk-computers’ were operated orally, rather than manually, responding to the operators’ voices. Figures, accompanied by luminous dots of various colours, crossed the screen rapidly. No one in the spacecraft remained standing.
As we approached and Thiaoouba grew on the panel, I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight, for what I saw before me was indescribably beautiful. Initially, the first word which sprang to mind was ‘luminous’ - this then was juxtaposed with ‘golden’ - but the effect produced by this colour was beyond any description.
If I were to invent a word, perhaps one that might apply would be ‘lumino-vapour-golden’. In fact, one had the impression of plunging into a luminous and golden bath - almost as if there were very fine gold dust in the atmosphere.
We were descending gently on to the planet and the panel no longer showed its contours, but rather, the contours of a continent could be distinguished, ending abruptly at an ocean, that was sprinkled with a multitude of islands of different colours.
The closer we came, the greater was the detail discernible - the zoom lenses were not used at the time of landing, for a reason which was explained to me later. What captivated me most, was the colour before me - I was dazzled❗
All the colours were, in each tonal variation more vivid than ours. A bright green, for example, almost shone - it radiated colour. A dark green had the opposite effect - it ‘kept’ its colour. It is extremely difficult to describe, for the colours on this planet could not be compared with any that exist on Earth.
A red could be recognised as red, but it wasn’t the red we know. There is a word in Thao’s language which defines the types of colours on Earth and on planets similar to ours. Our colours are Kalbilaoka which I translate as ‘dull’, theirs, on the other hand, are Theosolakoviniki 2 which means they radiate their colours from within.
(2 Theosolakoviniki, - a similar effect can be observed with pure monochromatic colours, when light vibrates in a narrow band of frequencies. The author had confirmed this when he was shown such colours. Is it a coincidence that ‘Theos’ in ancient Greek means ‘God’❓ Are these colours ‘pure’ and hence “Godly”❓—Explanation of the Editor)
My attention was soon drawn to what looked, on the screen, like eggs - yes, eggs❗1 I could see the ground dotted with eggs, some half covered with vegetation, and others quite bare. Some seemed bigger than others and some lay down. Others were upright with what looked like the pointed end towards the sky.
I was so astonished by this sight that I turned again towards Thao to ask her about these ‘eggs’, when suddenly on the screen, there appeared a round form surrounded by several spheres of different sizes, and, slightly further away, yet more ‘eggs’. These ones were enormous.
‘Affirmative’, said Thao from her seat, ‘and the round form you see is the cell in which our spacecraft will be accommodated in a few moments, for we are in the process of docking.
Thao smiled. ‘Buildings, Michel, but just now, there is something more important that I must explain to you. Our planet contains many surprises for you, but there are two, which could have harmful effects on you. I must therefore ensure that you take certain elementary precautions.
Thiaoouba does not have the same gravitational force as your planet. Your weight would be 70 kilograms on Earth - here it will be 47 kg. When you leave the spacecraft, if you aren’t careful, you risk losing your sense of equilibrium in your movements and your reflexes. You’ll be inclined to take too great a stride, and perhaps fall and injure yourself...’
‘It’s true that under this force, our bodies are heavier, but we have counter-balanced this by a semi-levitation, thus we are not uncomfortable, and at the same time, we have the satisfaction of seeing you move among us at ease.’
‘The second point,’ Thao resumed, ‘is that you will be obliged to wear a mask, for a while at least, for the brightness and the colours will literally intoxicate you, just as if you had drunk alcohol. The colours are vibrations that act on certain points on your physiological body. On Earth, these points are so slightly stimulated, so little exercised, that here, consequences could be unfortunate.’
The security force field of my seat had just been ‘turned off’ liberating me again, to move about as I pleased. The panel was blank but the astronauts were still busy. Thao led me towards the door and back into the room I’d first entered where I had lain for three hours. There, she took a helmet, very light, which covered my face from my forehead to just below my nose.
Outside the spacecraft, we walked along a very short walkway. Immediately, I felt lighter. The sensation was very pleasant, although somewhat disconcerting, since several times I lost balance and Thao had to steady me.
We saw no one, a fact that surprised me. Earthly perspective had led me to expect to be welcomed by a crowd of reporters, cameras flashing...or something similar - perhaps a red carpet❗ Why not the head of state in person❓ For heaven’s sake, these people wouldn’t be visited by an extra-planetarian every day❗ But nothing...
After a short distance, we arrived at a round platform, to the side of the walkway. Thao sat down on a circular seat inside the platform [6] and signalled that I should sit down opposite her.
She took out an object the size of a walkie-talkie and immediately I felt myself pinned to the seat, just as I had been in the spaceship, by an invisible force field. Then, quite gently and with a barely perceptible hum, the platform rose by several metres and moved off rapidly towards the ‘eggs’, about 800 metres away. The thin and slightly perfumed air was lashing the exposed area of my face below my nose, which was very nice, its temperature being around 26 degrees Celsius.
In just seconds, we arrived, and passed through the walls of one of the ‘eggs’, as if we’d passed through a cloud. The platform stopped and came to rest gently on the floor of the ‘building’. I looked around me in all directions.
It seemed absurd, but the ‘egg’ had disappeared. We had indeed, entered the ‘egg’ and yet around us, as far as the eye could see, stretched the countryside. We could see the landing ground and the docked spaceships just as though we were outside...
Not far from us, were gathered twenty or thirty people, all busy to some extent, in front of desks and screens which flashed with coloured lights - similar to inside the spacecraft. A type of music played very softly, elevating me to a state of euphoria.
Thao signalled me to follow her and we headed towards one of the smaller ‘eggs’ situated near the ‘supposed inside walls’ of this larger one. As we went, we were greeted with happiness by all we passed.
I must mention here, that Thao and I made an odd couple as we moved across the room.
The great difference in our heights meant that, as we walked side by side, she was obliged to move slowly so that I didn’t have to run to keep up - my movements were more like ungainly jumps, for each time I tried to hurry, I exacerbated the problem. I had the task of coordinating muscles that were accustomed to moving a weight of 70 kilograms and now had only to move 47 kilograms - you can imagine the effect we created.
We headed for a light that was shining on the wall of the small ‘egg’. In spite of my mask, I was very conscious of its brilliance. We passed beneath the light and went through the wall into a room that I immediately recognised as the one featured on the screen in the spaceship. The faces too, were familiar to me. I realised I was in the intergalactic centre.
Their faces wore expressions of sincere joy and goodness and I was deeply touched by the warmth of their reception. It was as if they considered me one of them.